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" Saturday, October 12, 2024 - 11am Afghan Burrito 2309 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley SAN PABLO AVE W. BERKELEY OUTREACH MEET UP & TRAINING"

Join our Bike East Bay advocacy staff for some tasty food at the Afghan Burrito outdoor dining area in Berkeley, learn about our San Pablo Ave bikeway campaign and bike/walk/bus projects, and get involved with our business outreach efforts on the corridor.

Click here to RSVP. Sign-ups are recommended but not required.

About the event:

To help keep local business owners informed about the upcoming projects and mitigate construction impacts, we are doing door to door outreach along San Pablo Ave in Berkeley and developing a community news list.

At this event we will distribute postcards and flyers that you can use to help us collect contact info from business owners along San Pablo Ave, let them know about the corridor project coming up in 2025, and get them on our list for ongoing updates leading up to and during construction.

A short training session will be provided toward the start of the event to help get participants oriented, and afterwards we will head out along San Pablo Ave as a group to start visiting businesses and distributing materials.

This event is part of our Green Mobility Ambassadors training and outreach program (info here), and part of our Multimodal San Pablo Avenue campaign (info here).