Shape infrastructure projects and plans by adding your input on these surveys from public agencies throughout the East Bay.
Plan Bay Area 2050+ and Transit 2050+
Survey Now Open
Help make the Bay Area a more affordable, connected, diverse, healthy and vibrant place for all.
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) are seeking your input to help inform the development of Plan Bay Area 2050+, a limited and focused update to the Bay Area’s long-range regional plan. The Draft Blueprint – essentially a “first draft” of the plan – outlines strategies for creating a more affordable, connected, diverse, healthy and vibrant Bay Area for all by 2050.
The survey also seeks your comments on the Draft Transit 2050+ Network, which outlines how to make Bay Area public transit faster and more frequent at all times of day, connecting more communities by bus, train or ferry.
Alameda Countywide Transportation Plan
Every four years, Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) prepares a Countywide Transportation Plan (CTP) that establishes a vision and goals for the transportation system in Alameda County, and recommends transportation project priorities.
Throughout 2024 Alameda CTC will establish the framework for the next CTP update through the Policy Blueprint. During the Policy Blueprint year issue areas and strategies of discussion will include:
- Making Alameda County safer
- Making Alameda County more equitable
- Advancing clean transportation in Alameda County
- Encouraging mode shift through land use and transportation demand management (TDM)
- Encouraging mode shift through multimodal interstates, multimodal roadways, and bicycle connections
- Making Alameda County more climate resilient
- Making Alameda County and its goods movement more economically resilient
Want to share your input on the Countywide Transportation Plan goals and policy objectives? Click here to complete the community survey.
More information is available on the Alameda CTC website here.
Embarcadero West Rail Safety and Access Improvements
Oakland’s Department of Transportation is collecting feedback and comments on concept designs for Embarcadero West through Summer 2024. Click here for the project survey.
The Embarcadero West Rail Safety and Access Improvements intends to improve safety, access to the waterfront, and train reliability for people and goods movement. It will intends to transform Embarcadero West into a more welcoming and connected corridor that’s reflective of the surrounding community.
Check out the Community Design Workshop Posters and video visualizations at the link below.
Complete project info is available on the Oakland city website here.
Neighborhood Greenways are bicycle- and pedestrian-priority streets designed to allow bicyclists and motorists to safely share the road on low-volume, low-speed, local streets.
In 2024-2025, Alameda’s Slow Street segments of Pacific Ave, San Jose Ave/Morton St and Versailles Ave will be converted to Neighborhood Greenways, and the Slow Streets barricades will be removed.
Complete Alameda’s Neighborhood Greenways survey to give feedback on treatments for Neighborhood Greenways and when the existing Slow Streets barricades should be removed.
Initial survey input will be provided to the Transportation Commission (8/28/2024) and City Council (9/17/2024).
Complete project info is available on the Alameda city website here.
The City of El Cerrito is partnering with the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) to deliver the Richmond Street Complete Streets Improvement Project from Fairmount Avenue to Elm Street. The project will implement pedestrian safety and accessibility improvements to the entire length of Richmond Street.
Project elements include high-visibility crosswalks, flashing beacons at unsignalized crosswalks, roadway safety lighting, ADA-compliant curb ramps, repairing or replacing non-conforming sidewalks, enhanced traffic signing, high-visibility green pavement markings, signs to enhance the existing shared-lane bike facility, traffic signal safety upgrades at key intersections, pavement rehabilitation, painted tear-drop medians, and in-fill of street trees to create a continuous tree canopy.
The project is in the initial design phase and construction is scheduled to start after the EBMUD Wildcat Pipeline Improvement Project on Richmond Street is completed in 2025.
Visit the project website and share your thoughts in this survey!
Contra Costa Integrated Transit Plan
Take the survey through July 15 to give input to help make transit easier to use and more convenient.
The Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) is inviting residents and travelers within the county to participate in a survey on transit use. Survey responses will inform the development of an Integrated Transit Plan (ITP) to make public transportation easier to use and more convenient in Contra Costa County.
With improved transit, Contra Costa County will be a more livable, sustainable, and equitable place to live and travel. As recommendations in the ITP are put into place, the public will see many benefits:
- Better connections to regional services, like BART and Capitol Corridor.
- Improvements for increased speed and reliability.
- Enhancements to improve riders’ transit experience.
Five survey participants will also have the chance to win a $100 Clipper card!
Click here to complete the survey (responses due by July 15, 2024)
For more information, visit the ITP project website.
Stargell Ave Complete Street Project, Alameda
The City of Alameda is applying for a large grant to improve walking and biking safety on Stargell Avenue, from Main Street to Fifth Street.
The latest concept plan includes separate walking and bicycling paths in the vacant right-of-way north of the roadway, new flashing lights and pedestrian refuges at the Mosely Ave and Coral Sea St intersections, as well as intersection safety and access improvements at Main St and Fifth St.
Help to make their application more competitive for funding by sharing your input on what it’s like for you to use Stargell today, why you avoid it, or why you think this is an important project?
Click here for project info and to complete the survey
Caltrans Bay Area Bicycle Plan Update
Freeway interchanges and state-owned surface streets (like parts of San Pablo Ave, Mission Blvd, International Blvd, Ashby Ave, and others) are among the most dangerous places for biking in the East Bay. Help Caltrans prioritize improvements via their bike plan update by adding comments to this map, and favoriting other people’s comments.
Comment map & survey:
(Tip: Open this page in a private browser window to see all the comments made on the map so far, not only the ones in your vicinity)
San Pablo Avenue Bus Lanes and Bike Lanes Project
Click here to learn more and take the survey (responses due by June 9, 2024)
Fernside Blvd Traffic Calming and Bikeways Project (Alameda)
Learn about design concept options for Fernside Blvd and let us know what you think! From May 29-June 19, the City of Alameda is seeking input on a series of alternatives that were developed based on community feedback and an existing conditions analysis.
Click here to take the survey (responses due by June 19, 2024)
You can also find info to attend community meetings, check out key documents, and see the timeline on the City’s project page:
Fremont has embarked on an Active Transportation Plan update, looking at how to improve biking and walking all around the city. This is plan process is continuing throughout 2024, so sign up for the notification list to also receive updates as they are posted.
Click here to complete the Phase 3 survey (responses due by June 28, 2024)
Click here to add your input to the Phase 3 interactive map (responses due by June 28, 2024)
Project page:
The East Bay Greenway is a planned, 30-mile facility connecting from Oakland to Fremont, linking between BART stations with a series of safe bikeways for users of all ages and abilities.
The project manager Alameda CTC is asking for input on the alignment through Hayward, which unfortunately has been moved away from Mission Blvd and onto side streets. This reduces the opportunity via this project to address long-standing and serious safety and access issues on Mission Blvd itself.
We encourage you to complete the survey about the side streets alignment, comment that continuous and physically separated bikeways are needed throughout the East Bay Greenway, and comment that the Mission Blvd alignment needs to be revisitied.
Click below to complete the survey (responses due by May 31, 2024)
- English language survey
- Chinese language survey
- Spanish language survey
- Tagalog language survey
- Vietnamese language survey
You can also add your comments to the online map here:
Project page:
The city of El Cerrito is developing a Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP) which will be informed by survey results. The goal of the Local Road Safety Plan is to:
- Increase awareness of road safety and risks
- Reduce fatal and severe injury crashes
- Prioritize safety investments
You can learn more and take the survey on their website (responses due by May 31, 2024)
Point Pinole to Point Wilson Bay Trail gap closure
This proposed one-mile Bay Trail gap closure, in conjunction with another Bay Trail project in the works on San Pablo Ave from Rodeo to Crockett, will create a continuous bikeway all the way between Richmond and the Vallejo via the Carquinez Bridge.
Complete this survey to let the East Bay Regional Parks District know what you would like to see included in the project.
Survey link:
Project page:
Oakland Community-Driven Traffic Safety Program Survey
Oakland Councilmember Carroll Fife has introduced legislation to establish a pilot program allowing schools, businesses, and community centers to apply for and build their own temporary traffic safety treatments on public streets and sidewalks.
Complete this survey to weigh in on the proposed legislation.
Click here to complete the survey (responses due by May 1, 2024)
Kains and Adams Bikeway Pilot Project Survey, Albany
City of Albany staff are preparing an evaluation of the Kains & Adams Bikeway pilot project, installed last year to provide a safer north-south route parallel to San Pablo Avenue and improve cycling access to destinations along San Pablo Avenue.
Click here and fill out the feedback survey to share your thoughts (responses due by April 25, 2024)
Oakland 73rd Ave Bikeway
Oakland is planning safety upgrades on 73rd Ave, and wants public input to help inform an upcoming grant application.
Three options are offered including a standard bike lane with a painted buffer, a median pathway, or a new type of facility they’re calling the “frontage road” alternative.
The frontage road uses a concrete curb to separate the rightmost lane from the rest of the roadway, with speed humps in that lane and protected intersections at the major crossings.
This is sort of like a combination between a bike boulevard and a protected bikeway, and follows an example installed on 11th St in San Jose. Of the three options this one is our favorite and we encourage you to support it.
Click here to complete the survey (responses due by April 1, 2024)
Phase 2 Engagement: Draft Strategy Feedback
Richmond Parkway is a freeway-like road that runs north-south through Richmond cutting off access to the shoreline and between neighborhoods, as well as the Bay Trail and Wildcat Creek Trail.
Via this survey respondents can rank the strategies they think are the highest priority to equitably expand transportation options, support safe travel, and reduce public health impacts of truck and vehicle traffic along Richmond Parkway and Castro Street between I-80 and I-580.
Click here to complete the survey (responses due by April 28, 2024)
Click here for the Richmond Parkway project page
- North Richmond Flea Market:
Sunday March 24, 2024
716 W Gertrude Avenue, North Richmond - North Richmond Earth Day Festival:
Saturday April 20, 2024
9:00am-12:00 noon
Shields-Reid Park, 1410 Kelsey St, North Richmond
San Leandro Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Update
The Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan is an update to the 2018 Plan that guides development of infrastructure projects and programs to support bicycling and walking as a safe, enjoyable, and practical transportation for San Leandro. As part of the planning process, the City of San Leandro is asking for your feedback to better understand your experience biking or walking in the city.
Add your comments in the interactive map available on the project page below to inform the recommendations in the San Leandro Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.
Project page:
The Pinole Active Transportation Plan (ATP) aims to create a comprehensive vision for enhancing pedestrian and cycling experiences in Pinole, catering to individuals of diverse ages and abilities with the goal of decreasing Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMTs).
Click through to learn more, add your comments via the web map and survey, and find dates for in-person pop-up events around Pinole.
Interactive web map:
Project page:
Telegraph Ave from 52nd St to Woolsey St will be repaved as part of Oakland’s Five-year Paving Plan. This paving work presents an opportunity for the City to integrate design elements that will enhance connectivity and safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders.
Planned Improvements Include:
- Separated bike lanes
- Upgraded and new curb ramps
- High-visibility crosswalks
- Bus boarding islands
Potential Improvements Include:
- Bus-only lanes
- Flashing lights at crosswalks
- Pedestrian refuge islands
- And more
Click here to complete the survey (responses due by January 31, 2024)
San Pablo Dam Rd Bike Lanes, El Sobrante
The Contra Costa County Public Works Department is soliciting feedback on the installation of a road diet along San Pablo Dam Road in El Sobrante. This would convert the four-lane road to a three-lane road with a center lane. The road diet will also provide additional width for bicycle lanes in both directions.
If this project receives sufficient community support and is supported by the Board of Supervisors, the County will then pursue grant funding opportunities to construct the road diet in the near future.
Click here to complete the survey (responses due by January 26, 2024)
We encourage you to select the Alternative A extending to Appian Way as your choice. This will connect to an existing bike lane on Appian and provide safety upgrades from May to Appian, which has an above average crash rate.
Fernside Blvd Traffic Calming and Bikeways, Alameda
This project will create a design concept to update Fernside Blvd from Tilden Way to San Jose Ave, aiming to reduce car speeds and increase safety and mobility for all road users, as well as develop design concepts to implement Active Transportation Plan bikeways.
It will also work to develop a near-term striping update for Fernside from Tilden Way to High St that can be implemented with pavement resurfacing.
Click here to complete the survey (responses due by December 17, 2023)
Link 21 Open House
Link21 is a passenger rail Program that aims to improve train travel and connect the rail networks in Northern California.
The centerpiece of the Program is a second train crossing between San Francisco and Oakland as envisioned in the California State Rail Plan.
Along with the new crossing to accommodate travel within the congested Transbay corridor, Link21 includes improvements to both San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) and Regional Rail networks.
Link21’s Online Open House is live until Dec. 15th!
The Open House includes more information about the Program, the upcoming decision between BART and Regional Rail in a new transbay crossing, and a short survey where you can provide feedback.
Project page:
Provide input on a proposal for transit upgrades along Broadway from Jack London Square through Downtown, as well as opportunities for bike and pedestrian improvements. This short survey is available in English, Chinese, and Spanish.
Survey link:
Project page:
Weigh in on this proposal for protected bikeway and pedestrian upgrades along MLK Jr Way from 2nd Street to 14th Street, along with new street trees and paving. This short survey is available in English, Chinese, and Spanish.
Survey link:
Project page:
Provide your input on how life in the Bay Area has changed as the region emerges from the pandemic. This effort is an update to Plan Bay Area 2050, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s adopted long-range regional plan for the 9-county Bay Area to shape decisions and priorities on transportation, housing, land use, and the environment.
Survey link:
Project page:
Place pins on the map where you would like to see biking and walking improvements along the Richmond Parkway, a freeway-like road that runs north-south through Richmond cutting off access to the shoreline and between neighborhoods, as well as the Bay Trail and Wildcat Creek Trail.
Survey link:
Project page:
Oakland DOT is requesting input on a proposal for bikeway upgrades along Seminary Ave from MacArthur Blvd to Sunnymere Ave, alongside planned repaving in 2025. This short survey is available in English, Chinese, and Spanish.
Survey link:
Project page:
Help plan a more bike, walk, and transit-friendly future for State Route 4, which runs east-west across Contra Costa County from Hercules to Brentwood and beyond. Visit the CCTA website below and fill out the survey to let them know that non-car mobility and safety needs are a priority! Then scroll to the bottom of the page to sign up for updates and stay engaged.
Project page and survey:
Help Improve Walking and Biking in Newark! The Newark Active Transportation Plan is an opportunity to advance infrastructure that supports walking, biking, and rolling throughout the City. Comments on current challenges and safety concerns are welcome on the interactive webmap through September 15, 2023. Visit the project website to learn more.
Webmap link:
Project page:
Questions about these plans or projects?
Contact our Advocacy Team: