Our Mission
Bike East Bay mobilizes by bike to build thriving communities that are joyful, safe, and inclusive.
Our Impact Statement
We are building a movement for safe streets and connected, thriving communities where people come first, not cars.

We’re excited to share our new Strategic Plan!
With a deep desire to respond to the shifting mobility landscape and the priorities of our community, we embarked on a strategic planning process in June 2023.
We are proud to have co-created a roadmap that centers our commitment to fostering thriving communities and love for bicycles, and emphasizes our collective power to shape our communities.
Mobility Justice
Our Approach and Core Values
Mobility justice is a vision that centers our right to exist and move freely, safely and joyfully throughout our communities. It acknowledges that people’s identities and lived experiences shape how we move through streets, and seeks to address systemic inequities.
As bicycle advocates, we must recognize and account for the ways that white supremacy, sexism, classism and other oppressive systems have shaped bicycling and excluded marginalized communities. To build a more just and equitable transportation system, we must address society’s systemic inequalities, including those based on race, ethnicity, class, legal status, ability, gender, sexuality or age so that all people can experience the freedom to move and travel in ways that are meaningful to them.
We are grateful for the many thought leaders and organizers, namely the BIPOC women, who have labored to build out the movement for mobility justice with care. To learn more, visit People for Mobility Justice and The Untokening.
Community Organizing / Shared Leadership
Bike East Bay organizes around community needs and builds the capacity of local communities. We train and empower staff, members, volunteers and community members to step up as leaders. We partner with local champions and teams throughout the East Bay to advance mobility justice in their communities and neighborhoods.
Bike East Bay applies community organizing throughout our organization by the implementation of the shared leadership model and investing in principles of interdependence, flexibility, accountability and trust.
Care and Support
We work with people who have lost loved ones to traffic and police violence, in neighborhoods left behind by systemic racism, and fight bureaucracies that neglect the human impacts of its actions. In the face of grief, trauma and frustration, we revive and sustain ourselves by nurturing, healing and caring for each other.​
Fierce Joy
We share the joy of bicycling as fierce organizers, community builders and advocates. We mobilize people by bike to fight for equity and transportation justice.
We work to ensure transportation planning and policies are developed, applied, and implemented to counter and redress the effects of systemic and institutional racism.
We prioritize improving safety and access to bicycling for people of color, lower-income people, and immigrants to improve the health outcomes of these communities.
We recognize people of color are more likely to be stopped by police for bicycle and pedestrian infractions and we will call on local police departments to disavow racially biased traffic enforcement.
We strongly believe that displacement is a transportation issue and we work to keep communities in place.
Our bike education program removes barriers to bicycling through programs that empower and educate East Bay residents.
We empower individuals and communities to choose bicycling for transportation and recreation through a range of educational opportunities for people of all ages, abilities, and skill levels.​
Through strong, positive, and collaborative relationships we aim to build a collective and powerful voice for a more just and equitable transportation system. By engaging and mobilizing individuals, organizations, and local communities, we are building the movement to actively shape the future of biking in the East Bay. ​