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Multimodal San Pablo Ave

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this campaign

Concept illustration of raised, protected bikeway on San Pablo Ave in El Cerrito

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Bike East Bay is working for continuous bike lanes on San Pablo Avenue, as part of a safer street for everyone who bikes, walks, drives, or takes transit.

About San Pablo Avenue

San Pablo Avenue is among the most significant roads in the East Bay, a hub for transportation, commerce, and culture that runs 22 miles through two counties and a dozen cities.

And yet the majority of the corridor remains inaccessible and hazardous to people walking and rolling due to fast vehicle traffic and the lack of protected, people-oriented infrastructure, and buses are frequently delayed behind backed-up car traffic.

We need to change that. Our Multimodal San Pablo Avenue campaign envisions thriving communities and continuous, low-stress and all-ages bicycle and pedestrian facilities from Downtown Oakland all the way north to the Carquinez Bridge.

This movement is already in progress, via a multitude of plans and projects. Read about a few of these below, and click around our interactive map above for more details.

campaign events

campaign events

Join us at these events related to our San Pablo Ave corridor campaign, to get involved and support a more people-friendly East Bay.

No events are scheduled currently, but sign up for our notification list to receive updates.


San Pablo Ave Protected Bikeway Project Open House

Monday, April 15th 2024, 6-8PM

Golden Gate Rec Center, 1075 62nd Street, Oakland


San Pablo Ave Protected Bikeway Project Open House

Weds, April 17th 2024, 6-8PM

Emeryville Center for Community Life, 1100 47th Street, Emeryville

Major Projects

San Pablo Ave Bus and Bike Lanes (Oakland, Emeryville, and South Berkeley)

This project extends 3.5-miles along San Pablo Ave from 16th Street in Oakland to Heinz Avenue in Berkeley, including protected bikeways, bike/walk crossing improvements, dedicated bus lanes, and bus stop amenities/streetscape improvements. It is currently in the planning stages with construction estimated to start in 2026.

April 2024 Update: Project concept drawings and community comment tools are now available here.

Parallel Bike and Walk Improvements (Berkeley, Albany, and North Oakland)

“Parallel” neighborhood bikeway upgrades including traffic calming and car diverters are planned from Russell Street in Berkeley to Marin Ave in Albany, along with signalized bike boulevard crossings of San Pablo Ave and other major streets. This project is in the late planning stages and construction is estimated to start in 2025.

Unfortunately dedicated bus and bike lanes on San Pablo were blocked via an earlier effort, but we aren’t giving up and will continue advocating beyond this project.

Del Norte Protected Bikeways (El Cerrito)

April 2024 Update: This project has now started construction, with completion expected in 2025. Read our blog post linked below for details.

This half-mile of protected bikeway with bus upgrades will provide a critical connection from Potrero Ave to Knott Ave around Del Norte BART, as well as a protected connection to Richmond on Cutting Blvd past I-80.

San Pablo Ave Bay Trail (Rodeo to Crockett)

This project will construct a two-way protected cycletrack on San Pablo Ave closing a 3-mile gap in the Bay Trail between Lone Tree Point and the Carquinez Bridge. Construction is estimated to start in 2027.

Join us at campaign coordination gatherings along the corridor throughout the summer and fall where we will enjoy some great food at local businesses, discuss project updates and strategies, and end with a short walk to identify existing uses and needs while envisioning the future of San Pablo Avenue.

San Pablo Ave Bikeway in Pinole

The City of Pinole is developing their first ever bike/walk plan throughout 2024, providing a great opportunity to prioritize a continuous, protected bikeway as part of the plan.

Learn more and get involved with the process on the city’s plan page here.

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