Repair Cafe – Walnut Creek
Walnut Creek's first city-wide repair cafe! Get your small household appliances, jewelry, bicycles and clothes repaired by experienced volunteers.
Walnut Creek's first city-wide repair cafe! Get your small household appliances, jewelry, bicycles and clothes repaired by experienced volunteers.
Visit the City of Berkeley's pop-up table to learn about a proposed bike plan update and provide your input on making Berkeley a better place to bike and roll.
Visit the City of Berkeley's pop-up table to learn about a proposed bike plan update and provide your input on making Berkeley a better place to bike and roll.
Visit the City of Berkeley's pop-up table to learn about a proposed bike plan update and provide your input on making Berkeley a better place to bike and roll.
On-road, on-your-bike practice sessions, working in small groups with our certified instructors.We’ll cover on-road, on-your-bike practice sessions, working in small groups with our certified instructors to improve your bike handling […]
2025 Bike East Bay Member Meeting RSVP HERE! Join us for Bike East Bay's annual Member Meeting at Sports Basement. Mingle with your fellow bike community while enjoying pizza, […]
Visit the City of Berkeley's pop-up table to learn about a proposed bike plan update and provide your input on making Berkeley a better place to bike and roll.
This is a class for adults or teens who have either not yet learned how to ride a bike, or learned a long time ago but want a refresher.This is […]
Learn rules of the road, how to equip your bicycle, fit your helmet, use different types of bike infrastructure, and avoid common hazards.Learn basic rules of the road, how to […]
At this session, project planners will share the latest designs, which are about 65% of the way complete.
Bike East Bay instructors will provide a day of fun games, safety drills, skills building and a neighborhood ride. For kids and parents!This workshop is for kids who are able […]
Learn rules of the road, how to equip your bicycle, fit your helmet, use different types of bike infrastructure, and avoid common hazards.Learn basic rules of the road, how to […]