Transbay Bicycle Options During a BART Strike

Author: Bike East Bay

Not ready yet! Alexander Zuckermann Path on West Span

Information current as of 7:10pm on 8/16/09

According to BART The strike has been called off. There will be normal service on 8/17.

Information current as of 7:30pm on 8/13/09

In the event of a BART strike, what are the transbay travel options for bicyclists?

Please visit AC Transit for maps of relocated stops and info on transbay buses and shuttles to transbay buses from near BART Stations.

EXISTING TRANSBAY BUSES (don’t count on being able to take your bike on racks)

All transbay lines that operate large green MCI coaches offer space for two bikes on front-loading racks plus luggage bays

  • Line F from Berkeley typically offers only space for two bikes on front-loading racks.
  • Line NL from East Oakland typically offers only space for two bikes on front-loading racks.
  • Line O from Alameda often offers luggage bays and space for two bikes on front-loading racks.

    Capitol Corridor trains and connecting transbay thruway buses all carry bicycles. Passengers must be ticketed for rail travel. Visit

    EBBC is advocating for added buses to follow the All Nighter #800 transbay routes that serve East Bay BART Stations.


    Bikes are allowed on board the Harbor Bay Ferry and Alameda/Oakland Ferry to San Francisco. An expanded service schedule is posted at E-lockers available at Harbor Bay Terminal. Carry a bungee cord to secure your bike to the rear railing as the racks are likely to be jam-packed.


    No increased service is being proposed and new passengers are not likely to find capacity to allow boarding. For information visit Bike Shuttle