Member Organizing Mtg Sept 10 on Berkeley Bike Plan

Author: Bike East Bay

Berkeley has kicked off its year-long bike plan update with a goal of having the best bike plan in America by 2016. Soon, we will see a summary of what Berkeley residents, workers and students have been asking for in improvements. Come to our member organizing meeting to help refine Bike East Bay’s ask and to find out how you can get involved. If you’re not a member, please come anyway and bring a friend.

Bike East Bay Member Organizing Meeting

around Berkeley Bicycle Plan 
Sports Basement Berkeley
Thursday, September 10, 6:00-8:00pm
Refreshments and snacks provided.

Bike East Bay is aiming high for Berkeley’s Bicycle Plan Update. How high? This high. Our members not only want the boulevard crossings of busy streets fixed, but they want protected bike lanes on these busy streets. This is going to require the City of Berkeley to take a fresh look at all options, including better management of on-street parking spaces, narrowing travel lanes, and improving busy intersections.

We need your help. Come to our member organizing meeting and meet your neighbors who bike around Berkeley and also want to help.

More information on what Bike Plans 2.0 should look like

More details on what our members have been asking for in Berkeley

More information on our Berkeley Bikeways Campaign 

Check out Google’s new bike plan for Mountain View and Northern Santa Clara County. It is a great example of how connected bikeway networks can encourage more people to bike who currently do not bike.

Not a Bike East Bay member?

Join Bike East Bay and help make Berkeley a world class city for bicycling