Cross-Town Lanes in Pleasanton

Author: Bike East Bay

Note: Dolan Law Firm occasionally sponsors stories on Bike East Bay. Unless noted in the story, Dolan Law Firm is not consulted for the content or editorial direction of the sponsored content.

September 17, 2019

The City of Pleasanton is planning a major cross-town protected bike lane project on West Las Positas Boulevard and needs your input on multiple design options. A crucial connection to local schools, businesses, and neighborhoods, West Las Positas needs a safe, comfortable bikeway for people of all ages and riding abilities. Give your feedback at the first community meeting:

Take Action:

West Las Positas Bikeway Open House
Thursday, September 19, 2019
6:00 PM  8:00 PM
Pleasanton City Water Services – Remillard Conference Room
3333 Busch Road

Back in 2016 and 2017, bike advocates in Pleasanton organized for change after a fatal crash at Stanley Boulevard and Valley Avenue. The community successfully pushed for the construction of a protected intersection at that location and stayed organized to create a progressive Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan for the city. Now that Pleasanton has completed its first protected intersection and protected bike lane segment, the city is looking to tackle the next major corridor project identified in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan: West Las Positas.

The current state of West Las Positas is not too pretty for people biking and walking, with a whopping six lanes of traffic in some sections. As a crucial access route for Hart Middle School, the Iron Horse Trail, and many major employers, the corridor is an ideal location for Pleasanton to continue re-envisioning its auto-oriented street designs. While the city has committed to working toward a protected bike lane, staff are seeking community feedback on whether it will be a one-way or two-way facility, and what types of landscaping and other design features will come with the safety improvements.

Get connected with your local bike advocates at Bike Pleasanton, and visit for more updates.