Survey Says: Bike to Work Day Closes Gender Gap

Author: Bike East Bay

Bike to Work Day got more people on bikes! A survey of Bike East Bay supporters showed that the annual event encouraged people to switch from driving to a more healthy and active form of transportation, bridged the gender gap in bicycling, and will result in more people riding year-round. 

Across the region, women make up only one-third of the people who bike for transportation. Of the people who rode on Bike to Work Day and took our survey, 46% identified as women! In the under-40 crowd, our survey suggests there could have been twice as many women as men riding on May 11.

Of the 327 people who responded to our Bike to Work Day survey, 

  • 12% participated for the first time,
  • 25% switched from driving alone to riding on Bike to Work Day, and
  • 92% were very likely to participate again next year.

Bike to Work Day met our goals for encouraging people to ride more. Of  those who said they normally ride less than once a week, 62% said they planned to bike more often.

And finally, what did you love about Bike to Work Day? This word cloud confirms, you loved seeing people on bikes!