Richmond Bicyle / Ped Advisory Committee Mon. 7/7 6pm Please Attend

Author: Bike East Bay

We have secured a meeting place for the remainder of the year. Our meeting content is shaping up rapidly: June 2nd we had presentations by the CC County and the Richmond Redevelopment Agency that were important and informative. We have identified grant funding for Richmond to create a comprehensive bicycle / pedestrian plan. The planning department is participating.

We urgently need a note taker to create minutes and notes to keep the bike activists in Richmond and ebbc informed.

What: Richmond Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting

Date: Monday, July 7, 2008

Time: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Place: Richmond Works; 330 25th Street (enter behind the library); Conference Room 1; Richmond

Draft Agenda:

-Welcome & Introductions

-Agenda Review

-Website Proposal by David Moore of

-Choose domain name

-Goal setting discussion

-Presentation on currently funded bike and ped projects by planning staff

-Updates and announcements

We envision a Richmond where bicyclists and visitors throughout the state can take advantage of the nexus of BART and AMTRAK to access the shoreline and other spots and activities of interest. We also envision a Richmond where local schoolchildren and residents can safely shop and travel around the city by bicycle and foot as well as commuting safely by bicycle.