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Why should you care about the election?

The November 2, 2010 election holds great promise to elect supportive leadership who will take an active role in not only making the East Bay more bike-friendly, but also place the East Bay at the forefront of US urban areas discovering the wonderful benefits that bike-friendly streets bring to communities.

I Bike/I Vote logo

Why should you care about the election?

The November 2, 2010 election holds great promise to elect supportive leadership who will take an active role in not only making the East Bay more bike-friendly, but also place the East Bay at the forefront of US urban areas discovering the wonderful benefits that bike-friendly streets bring to communities.

We need strong, pro-bike elected officials to pass legislation in favor of increasing funding for bicycle, pedestrian and transit infrastructure, and to make the tough decisions to redesign our roadways for safer, more inviting bicycling. We have asked each candidate about their stand on many issues, and once they are voted into office we will ensure they follow through on their promises.

Fremont Candidates Responses

City Council Races
Kristen Briggs
Kathryn Rhyu McDonald
Bill Harrison
Anu Natarajan
Vinnie Bacon
Fazlur Khan
Vladimir Rodriguez
Linda Susoev
John T. Herndon
Carl J. Flynn