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Report hazards, potholes can lead to the hospital

Author: bcomadmin

Date: February 26, 2009

Fruitvale Ave potholesRecent rains have added to the number of hazardous potholes on popular bikeways.

One of EBBC’s most successful advocacy efforts is our Hazard Reporting Program (click “Hazards” on the top bar). We take your grassroots report and send it to the correct jurisdiction and department along with a liability notice.

Guess what? The majority of your hazard reports result in quick action. After all, prudent officials prefer to send out a repair crew rather than pay $$$ millions for an injury settlement.

Please help us get the roads repaired. Next time you encounter a hazard to bicycling that can be readily corrected by a maintenance crew, take note of the next cross street and report the hazard location and your direction of travel.

Let’s also toast to Ian MacDonald, EBBC’s “hazard guy” who follows-up on all reports.