Please Contribute to Alden’s 65th Birthday Appeal

Author: Bike East Bay

Friends and Family, Riders and Drivers,

This year has been a big year for me. In February, I was elected president of the board of Bike East Bay. Six months later I turned 65.

To me the two are directly related. With age I have become less a long-distance Death Rider and more a bicycle commuter and advocate, trying to make bicycling safe, fun and accessible for everyone. And trying to help us all reduce our carbon footprint by ensuring that bicycling becomes a reasonable choice for daily transportation.

To that end, I have decided to observe my 65th birthday by raising at least $6500 for Bike East Bay. I hope you will help me reach and surpass that goal.

Donate Here. 

I have been involved with Bike East Bay for a number of years as a volunteer and board member. The organization was founded more than 40 years ago in large part to make sure that bicycle commuters were allowed on the newly-opened BART system. Bike East Bay has gone on to become a national leader in championing bicycling as a healthy, environmentally-friendly means of recreation and daily transportation. We provide free bike safety classes for thousands of new riders every year and we are very effective regional advocates for bicyclists and for all forms of bicycling.

Bike East Bay has a small and highly competent professional staff and an exceptionally dedicated board and community of volunteers. To learn more about our accomplishments, go to, or email me (

I am very, very proud of the work of Bike East Bay, and I ask you to contribute $100, $65, $650, $6.50 or any other amount you choose to help us continue and enhance our efforts.

Thank you for your consideration and help.

Ride on!


PS. If you want more information about Bike East Bay, please feel free to email me at