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Oakland-Alameda Bridge Leaps Forward

Author: Bike East Bay

Date: February 1, 2021

The proposed Oakland Estuary Bike and Pedestrian Bridge to Alameda is now a real project. Last week the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) allocated funding to do a “project scoping and right of way” analysis (PS&R). And in a bonus piece of good news: the Coast Guard has issued a letter of approval for the project, allowing Alameda to move forward to design. 

Bike Walk Alameda has worked hard to make this project real, getting support from city staff and elected officials. Their work has kept stakeholders focused on the bike-ped bridge, and not on the Posey Tube as a suitable connection for walking and bicycling. Bike East Bay has helped with support from Alameda CTC and Oakland elected officials. Together, we have achieved support for the only planned project that will reduce traffic from the island into Oakland. Keep the momentum going: connect with advocates at Bike Walk Alameda, and sign up for Oakland updates today.

“This project has become a cornerstone of Alameda’s long-term transportation plan, and a high-priority for Bike Walk Alameda’s advocacy efforts.  We’re thrilled with the progress that’s been made in the last year, and so grateful for all of your work behind the scenes to make it happen,” say Denyse Trepanier and Cyndy Johnsen, Bike Walk Alameda Board Members, in a joint letter to Alameda Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft.

City of Alameda will lead on the PS&R analysis, which should take 18-20 months, at which point we will know potential bridge design alternatives and landing locations on both sides, a detailed cost estimate, environmental and permitting requirements, ownership options, operations and maintenance responsibilities of the bridge, and any other major elements that should be investigated. Connect with advocates at Bike Walk Alameda, and sign up for Oakland updates today. 

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