New Twists in Union City’s East West Connector

Author: Bike East Bay

July 23, 2019

A year and a half ago, Bike East Bay joined with many on-the-ground organizations and local leaders in Union City to stop a highway robbery. The city was trying to divert voter-approved bike and transit funding to instead fund the East West Connector highway. As instructed, Union City has been using only local money to finish designing the highway and finalize cost estimates before any decisions are made to move forward. 

But now, Union City is trying to purchase 30+ acres of property from Caltrans along the side of the highway, in an attempt to attract developers to pay for the costly highway they do not have money for.

Please tell Caltrans not to sell precious open space land for an unnecessary freeway.

What’s the backstory? Learn more about our work regarding the East West Connector project in Union City.