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Measure BB Projects to be Awarded-Grants Available

Author: Bike East Bay

Date: March 6, 2015

New Measure BB money starts collecting April 1 and arrives at your city in July to be spent on many needed street improvements. Over the next 5 years, the following significant dollar amounts (based on population) are available locally for bike-ped projects, either as part of street repaving or as stand-alone bike-ped projects, and this local money is in addition to countywide discretionary grants, discussed below:

City 5-Yr Amount Local Contact
Alameda $22.5 million Bike Walk Alameda
Alameda County $33.5 million Art Carrera
Albany $5.1 million Albany Strollers and Rollers
Berkeley $36.1 million Farid Javandel
Dublin $6.4 million Obaid Kahn
Emeryville $3.4 million Amber Evans
Fremont $39.4 million Rene Dalton
Hayward $36.8 million Morad Fakhrai
Livermore $13.5 million Debbie Bell
Newark $8 million Soren Fajeau
Oakland $133 million Michael Neary
Piedmont $4.4 million Janet Chang
Pleasanton $12.7 million Mike Tassano
San Leandro $20 million Keith Cooke
Union City $16.6 million Carmela Campbell


How this money is spent is up to your city, and they need to hear from you. They will be hearing from Bike East Bay.

In addition, a first round of designated capital projects from Measure BB has been awarded and East Bay Greenway receives $3.5 million for environmental studies and this is in addition to $3.5 million already received from the Active Transportation Program (ATP). Also, $600,000 was awarded to start scoping and designing a variety of Bay Trail and Iron Horse Trail projects. Bike East Bay will work closely with the East Bay Regional Parks District and several cities to prioritize projects along the Bay shoreline for these monies.

What’s Next? June Grant Application Deadline

Years 3-5 of Measure BB get programmed this Summer, with a June deadline for your city to apply for discretionary countywide funding. Approximately $65 million money is available for a variety of projects, including bike-ped projects. Measure BB has a good ‘complete streets policy’ but we can make it a stronger policy resulting in much better multi-modal projects with your help.

What you can do?

Contact your city’s local planner or Local Working Group listed above and ask what projects they have in mind to apply for funding.

Note that the Statewide Active Transportation Program (ATP) has a similar June 2015 deadline for bike-ped grant applications. These local leaders may be thinking of both Measure BB and the ATP Program as funding sources for the same projects.

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