Learn to Ride a Bike this Spring

Author: Bike East Bay

Learning to ride a bike as an adult can be fun and rewarding, with the right equipment and support. This past year our award-winning Bike East Bay education program helped 150 new bike riders get up and rolling on 2 wheels for the first time ever, with our loaner bike fleet and amazing instructors providing encouragement and smiles every step along the way. Thanks to ZipCar for their support of this program by providing cargo vans capable of transporting over a dozen bikes to the start of every session!

At these free classes, adults and teen learners are guided through step by step instruction over a 3-hour period in a secure, non-judgemental environment. One of the learn-to-ride class attendees, Amy Benson, works for leadership development and training non-profit CompassPoint. In this blog post about her experience at the class she relates how the instruction was broken down into small, manageable steps. Each one provided a sense of accomplishment and built toward the larger goal of balancing, pedaling, and steering. https://www.compasspoint.org/blog/instructional-design-special-sauce-learning-and-learning-how-ride-bike

Another class participant, Adeoyo Ojo, talked with us in this video about trying to learn to ride as a child, his experience at the learn-to-ride session, and his next steps after the class.

Find a Class Near You

We have more free learn-to-ride classes coming up in June and July, with additional sessions yet to be scheduled through the rest of 2019. Go to BikeEastBay.org/LTR for complete details and sign up today.

We also offer free classroom workshops and family cycling classes as well, with dates available at BikeEastbay.org/Education.

Can’t make it to a class in person? Find info on topics like biking after dark, theft prevention, planning a route, reporting potholes, and much more at BikeEastBay.org/EducationResources.

Bike East Bay Learn-to-Ride Classes in the News: