Incident at 20th & Broadway, a short play

Author: Bike East Bay

Cast of players:

24HR- A guy dressed in gym attire, seemed to have just left 24 Hour Fitness.

TREKIE – An easygoing East Bay bicycle commuter.


The electronic on-demand bicycle lockers, eLockers, at the 19th St BART Station, Downtown Oakland. Scene occurs during evening rush hour.

ACT ONE (of one)

TREKIE is walking towards the eLockers to retrieve his bicycle. He had just finished a shopping trip at Sears. As he nears the lockers he notices 24HR talking on a cell phone and leaning against the the door of his particular locker, which is closest to Broadway. TREKIE steps next to 24HR and points to the locker where his bike is parked.

TREKIE: Excuse me.

24HR does not notice TREKIE and continues talking on his cell.

TREKIE: Excuse me, can I get my bike?
24HR: Huh?
TREKIE: I need to get my bike out.
24HR: What? Geez, man.

24HR reluctantly steps aside and leans against the door of the neighboring locker. He mutters profanities under his breath.

24HR: F***ing a**hole…
TREKIE: What did I do? I’m just trying to get my bike and get home.
24HR: Go home then.
TREKIE: Come on. Chillout.
24HR: You chill out.
TREKIE: Really, what’s the big deal? It’s such a nice day. Take it easy.
24HR: Don’t you talk to me. Get out of my face.

TREKIE, sensing how hostile 24HR is gets his bike out of the locker moves away.


**I guess you know by now that Trekie is me and this is what happened on my way home. Normally people are considerate and move aside if they’re sitting on my locker or are hanging out right in front of it. I’m still not sure what I did to tick this guy off.**