East Bay Greenway
Imagine riding your bike on the East Bay Greenway all the way from Fruitvale to Fremont
Bike Share for East Bay
Imagine thousands of public bikes for you to use for short trips around town. Now imagine tens of thousands of people riding these bikes every day
East Bay Greenway
Imagine riding your bike on the East Bay Greenway all the way from Fruitvale to Fremont
Bike Share for East Bay
Imagine thousands of public bikes for you to use for short trips around town. Now imagine tens of thousands of people riding these bikes every day
Bay Trail
Imagine that the Bay Trail is complete for us and future generations to enjoy
Safe Routes to School
Imagine four times as many kids walking and bicycling to school in Alameda County
Connected Bikeway Network
Imagine safe bike routes that connect your neighborhood to everywhere you ride
Bikes at night
Imagine every night is like the Art Murmur in Uptown–bikes everywhere! Imagine your downtown filled with bikes at night like First Fridays
Bike Stations
Imagine a Bike Station and secure bike parking at every BART Station
Complete Streets
Imagine streets that are great for bicycling, walking, taking transit and just for enjoying your neighborhood