Help Support the San Pablo Avenue Complete Street Project

Author: Bike East Bay
yes, but green the whole way

The cities of San Pablo and Richmond have designed a wonderful ‘complete street’ for San Pablo Avenue and need your support to get it funded and built. The project proposes beautiful green, buffered bike lanes from Rivers St (right at Wanlass Park) up to Hilltop Drive (at the entrance to the Mall). Also included are new sidewalks and crosswalks. These ideas all came from you and a broad community of support for a safer, more neighborhood like street. Check it out: Official Project Website What you can do: Please contact Lauren Seyda with the City of San Pablo and let her know she has your support for this project. She may ask if she can quote you as a user of the roadway or for a letter of support for their upcoming grant applications. EBBC has already sent a letter of support for this great project. Also, please let Ms. Seyda know that you want new bike lanes extended south to connect with Contra Costa College. EBBC is pushing San Pablo to make this connection and it can easily be done. But the City needs to hear from you to make it happen. If you know anyone who attends class on Contra Costa College, or works there, please have them contact the City of San Pablo to request a good bike connection to campus. Background San Pablo Avenue, between Rivers Street and Hilltop Drive, functions as a high-speed arterial. It also serves as the main connection for local trips between northern San Pablo residential neighborhoods, central San Pablo, Hilltop Mall, Contra Costa College and other important destinations. The corridor lacks designated facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists, creating a very challenging environment for walking, bicycling and transit use. Despite these conditions, people walk and bike the corridor everyday. Future changes to surrounding land uses will likely generate even more need for walkable, safe and accessible neighborhoods along the corridor. Study Purpose The San Pablo Avenue Complete Streets Study will focus on improving multimodal access, safety and connections along the San Pablo corridor by identifying needs and prioritizing improvements that will facilitate pedestrian, bicycle and transit trips. At the heart of this process is a public outreach effort that will bring together surrounding residents, business owners, partner agencies, and other key stakeholders to ensure that the final plan recommendations are both relevant to, and supported by, the local community. The study is funded by a Caltrans Environmental Justice Transportation Planning Grant.