Help Improve BART, Biking, and Transit in Contra Costa County

Author: Bike East Bay

Your help is needed to improve BART, biking, and transit in Contra Costa County. The BART Bicycle Advisory Task Force and the Contra Costa Transportation Authority Countywide Bicycle Advisory Committee are seeking new members. As a volunteer advisor, you represent the biking community, review and advise on the agency’s plans and policies, and help make our transportation systems more bike-friendly.

Your enthusiasm for building bike-friendly cities is key and no formal urban planning or transportation agency experience is needed. You’ll have the opportunity to work closely with Bike East Bay and make impactful change. 

Help Improve Bike Access to BART

The BART Bicycle Advisory Task Force (a volunteer advisory group) is recruiting new members.

The Task Force is charged with reviewing and working with BART to improve bicycle access to and on BART.  More information about the purpose of the task force and how to join can be found here:

Membership is currently open for individuals who live or work in San Francisco, Contra Costa, San Mateo or Santa Clara counties.

The Bicycle Task Force meets the first Monday of even numbered months in Oakland at 1750 Broadway. The next meeting is February 5 at 6:00 p.m.  Attend this meeting if you’re interested in joining the task force, or email questions to Steve Beroldo, Manager Access Programs at

Contra Costa Transportation Authority Countywide Bicycle Advisory Committee Bike East Bay Representative

Help improve biking and walking in Contra Costa County by joining the Contra Costa County Transportation Authority (CCCTA) Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. The committee meets quarterly.


As Bike East Bay’s appointed representative, you will work closely with Bike East Bay’s Advocacy Director to encourage more people to bicycle by building family-friendly, low-stress, comfortable bikeway networks. Interested residents please contact Advocacy Director Dave Campbell at