Fund the Future: Yes on Measure J

Author: Bike East Bay


Fund the future in Contra Costa County: volunteer to help get the word out to voters.

Contra Costa voters get to decide on a new half-cent transportation sales tax on the March 3 ballot. It’s called Measure J, and it will fund approximately $350 million over 35 years for new bike projects that will build you a network of safe routes to get around. Bike East Bay not only fought hard for this active transportation funding: in developing the plan last year, we also won an additional $263 million for faster transit service in Contra Costa. For these reasons and more, Vote Yes on Measure J!

You can volunteer to help get the word out. We are partnering with Transform organizing field mobilizations on February 1, February 8, February 28, March 2 and March 3, and phone banking nights throughout the 6-week campaign. We have a short time to energize voters for a much needed plan to speed up your commute, and we can’t do it without you. Sign up to volunteer today.

More information:

Why we support Measure J

Why Measure J is so important