Fremont Bicycle Advisory Committee approves 106 new bicycle detection traffic sensors

Author: Bike East Bay

January 18, 2012 meeting notes

On Jan. 18th, the Fremont committee convened to decide on the money coming from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission from their annual allocation of the Transportation Development Act. This act’s article 3 funds are for bicycle and pedestrian projects in the region and Fremont is eligible for approximately $160,000 in funds for the 2012-13 fiscal year. The committee discussed the various options and voted to approve the Citywide Bicycle Facilities Improvements project which involves installation of new bicycle detection loops at signalized intersections along the city’s bike ways. Additionally, the project includes installation of new bicycle lane striping and signing on proposed Class 2 bike ways identified in the Bicycle Master Plan.

According to the city, there are 161 signalized intersections with 55 already completed. The remaining 106 intersections will be equipped with bike detection and cost approx. $150,000. The cost for the striping will be approx. $25K and any leftover money will be used for additional Class 2 projects selected from the master plan. The timeline for this funding is the following: The committee’s recommendation will go to the council in April/May, an award letter will come from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission in Sept/Oct if awarded, and the project must be completed within three years from June 30, 2012. The next meeting will include discussions on Safe Routes to School and the Bay Trail.

posted by Diana Rohini-LaVigne