EBBC Meeting Minutes 4-17-07

Author: Bike East Bay

East Bay Bicycle Coalition

General Meeting 4/17/07

Board members present: Ole Steve Tom Rick Bill Dave C Mary

Also: Robert


– Richmond Greenway grand opening is May 16 1:30 at 16th St. and Ohio


Minutes from 3/20/07

” From now on” draft minutes will be posted at our website soon after each meeting; please contribute comments there.

” Motion to approve – APPROVED”

Treasurer’s report – Rick

” About $1800 new membership dues received; expenses related to BTWD”

” Presents a histogram of new members and revenue received at various events in 2006-2007″ as a basis for staff and resource priorities

ED report on 2007 campaigns – Robert

– Complete Streets Act of 2007 – high priority; amended last week to be more in line with Routine Accommodation language in order to focus on all transportation spending rather than just streets and highways

– Base Realignment and Closure in Concord and Alameda – currently working on north Concord area in Caltrans meeting tomorrow; in west Alameda trying to get park and trail access through Measure AA

– Regional Transportation Plan – meeting with TALC has met with air district (goals include reducing greenhouse gas emissions); existing plans don’t address VMT (vehicle miles traveled) which needs to be reduced; need additional funding; discussion of alternative sources

– Measure AA – on ballot in Nov 08 extension of park district in east bay land acquisition e.g. along shore Bay Trail

– CCC Bicycle Pedestrian Plan – has gone out for bid for professional consultants; may help lead to a west CoCoCo BAC; Ole is seeking to get appointed by Transplan; meetings are noon on weekdays; alternate might be John Ruzak; motion to nominate Ole as ebbc representative if he is not nominated by Transplan – APPROVED

#NAME? with county council which gave out a draft county ordinance – regulates cycle rides with notification options (send letters to all parties living adjacent publish in newspaper post notices on streets adjacent to rides – must do 2 of 3); EBBC is working with ride-organizing groups to respond to sheriff dept requirements


” Green and Healthy Workplace Bicycle Facilities Act of 2007″ from Rep. Mendoza – need to have lots of people to see the info on this and other important bills at the website and to write letters of support; this bill would support bike commuting to state buildings by providing parking and showers; fax is best else write call email; Motion to support AB 163 – APPROVED

Pedal Power May 1-2 – Jennifer Stanley

” Sacramento lobbying – most important state-wide advocacy event of the year; $35 registration; anyone interested should contact Robert”

” Robert says we help support important legislation” like a bill to increase funding for the Bicycle Transportation Account which moved through transportation committee last week with 8-2 vote

May Bike Month activities street skills classes – Dave Campbell

” ACTIA (Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority) is providing $6k for bike safety classes; Motion to approve contract: APPROVED”

” EBBC submitted an application to do bike safety classes for 2 more years” received $38k for that from ACTIA

” There will be ads for BTWD in East Bay Express (Thanks for Jennifer Stanley)”

” Urges people to form teams for Team Challenge” and to nominate people for Bike Commuter of the Year in each county

” Limited number of donated Timbuktu bike bags will be given out at various activities as prizes”

” Jennifer mentions Oakland will have various events” including a kick-off ride on April 29 by Yellow Jackets and May 19 bike rodeo; and a special prize drawing if you bring your own plate and utensils to BTWD

” Delta Pedalers announce a meeting in Bay Point on future allignment of trails through the delta”

Nick Pilch and Preston Jordan Albany superadvocates – Robert

” Bay Trail connection from El Cerrito Plaza BART Station to Bay Trail along Pierce St. has moved ahead despite objections from residents; Pilch and Jordan worked on this and are much appreciated ”

Waterfront Action’s Horace Carpentier Dinner – ebbc table for 8

” He was first mayor of Oakland” gave away waterfront to railroads; annual dinner to commemorate this unfortunate action; Jack London Athletic Center May 8

” historically Port of Oakland has supported by buying a table for $1000″ but will not do so this year

” Robert proposes that some people from Oakland and Albany share cost of a table to put the EBBC there” to support Waterfront Action. Several board members have indicated they will participate.

Upcoming meetings events

” EBBC will be at lots of events coming up” and will need volunteers

New web site- Robert

” Urges all to register at the site so we can contribute to the site” not simply view it

Website training

” Program by Eric McCaughrin on new web site – cancelled; will try to set up a session just devoted to training – will try for April 30 at 7 pm” at Berkeley Center for Appropriate Transportation date to be confirmed – see the website

” Special thanks to Jennifer Stanley for her work on the website in the past 5 years”

Next meeting: May 15

– 7 pm board meeting

#NAME? with Raines Cohen presenting on “Global Warming – NOT if we Ride”