EBBC Board Meeting 1-20-09 – Draft Minutes

Author: Bike East Bay

EBBC 1/20/09 – Board Meeting – Draft Minutes

San Leandro Library, begin 7:15

Board members present – Leo Dubose, Dave Favello (chairing), Steve Ardrey, Mary Norton, Bill Pinkham, Tom Ayres, Craig Hegelin, Rick Rickard; also Robert Raburn

Others include: Ricardo Pedavilla, Derek Liecty, Ian McDonald, Hal Keenan, Dick Anderson

Bike shop display stands – Derek requests additional funds for stands – APPROVED

He needs people to volunteer to keep track of the stands in the future, to be sure they are well stocked with brochures – bike shop ambassadors.

Bike to work day budget – Robert reports we need additional income beyond what is already committed. We are in good shape for this time of the year. Needs approval now for $4,750 (for paying Dave Campbell as coordinator, plus some costs such as printing). Rick indicates there is no cash-flow problem to fund this. Motion for these funds: APPROVED.

Consideration of paid staff – Rick met with Dave C. to evaluate whether this may be possible from a financial standpoint. Reasonable assumptions lead to an estimate net gain for 2009 that, together with possible contribution by BFBC, could support at least a part-time staff hire. This is presented for further discussion at the annual retreat.

Appointment of subcommittees in advance of the annual retreat

– to review contributions to be made by EBBC, and provide recommendations to the Board – Rick Rickard with Steve Ardrey, Tom Ayres

– to review our campaigns, to consider status of current campaigns and possible additional campaigns – Robert Raburn, with Dave Favello and Leo Dubose

Approval of minutes of 11/08 Board Meeting – APPROVED