Draft Measure J Plan Includes Our Complete Streets Ask

Author: Bike East Bay

A draft plan for a new Measure J expenditure plan has been released, and it includes some promising parts, and cause for concern. Included is our Major Complete Streets Program, but dedicated funding for bike-ped projects needs to be doubled. Join Bike East Bay and our local leaders in support on March 9 at the Board Meeting of the Contra Costa Transportation Authority to significantly increase funding for bike ped projects over the next 25 years. Let’s fill the room.

The draft plan includes these things:

  1. $200 million for Major Complete Street projects, including Bike East Bay’s innovative pilot ‘complete street’ projects with protected bike lanes funded at $60 million;
  2. $60 million for dedicated bike-ped projects. We are pushing to double that to $120 million;
  3. $140 million for transit center projects to promote more housing and jobs. This category could fund walking and bicycling projects;
  4. $300 million for BART improvements
  5. $50 million for Safe Routes to Schools
  6. and many other categories of projects and programs

While we are encouraged about the major complete streets program, we desperately need a higher funding commitment for dedicated bike-ped projects, including projects to support East Bay Regional Parks District pathways. March 9’s meeting of the Contra Costa Transportation Authority Board is our first and perhaps best chance to redirect funding priorities.

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In addition, there remains a large divide between the draft plan and our partners’ asks to strengthen the Urban Limit Line, including Greenbelt Alliance and Save Mount Diablo. Bike East Bay supports their asks for a strong growth management program and incentives for infill housing. We also support protections against sprawl-inducing freeway projects.

More on our Measure J Campaign

Between now and March 9, Bike East Bay continues to meet with CCTA staff, consultants, elected officials and city representatives to iron out details of the plan and add more funding for the bike ped projects we need. Bike Concord has provided huge assistance in these meetings.