Connect the Gaps on Milvia: Your Voice Needed

Author: Bike East Bay

Bike East Bay has been working with Walk Bike Berkeley to build a high-quality, low-stress bike network in Downtown Berkeley. Last November, Mayor Arreguin committed to building pilot protected bike lanes on Milvia by Bike to Work Day this year, but pushback has sprung up around on-street parking spaces, and your voice is needed.

This on a stressful stretch of the most popular, highest priority bikeway in Berkeley, in one of the most bike popular cities in the nation. Staff are ready to deliver by May 9, but one local business is opposing a safer Milvia because of a few on-street parking spaces.

Make your voice heard today:

  • Email Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin and Downtown Berkeley Councilmember Kate Harrison and tell them: “Add protected bike lanes on Milvia by Bike to Work Day 2019.”
  • Attend the Milvia Bikeway Project Open House on Wednesday, January 30, 5:00-7:00 pm, at Berkeley High School Library (1980 Allston Way).

The Milvia Street Bikeway Project will start a series of protected bikeway improvements on the street, as well as increase safety at intersections and calm traffic in Berkeley’s busy downtown. Learn more about the project and make your voice heard.