
Author: Bike East Bay

Ok, I can’t quite get the hang of clipless pedals, at least not in an emergency situation. The other day some lady turned right in front of me while going into Trader Joes parking lot. I know she saw me, because she hesitated just long enough to let me think she was going to let me have my right of way (I was in a bike lane), and then decided aganst it. My automatic reaction as I was sliding towards the rear of her mini-van was to pull my feet up off the pedals, thereby locking them in even tighter. Now I now it probably is going to take lots of time and practice before this does not happen anymore, but how does one get used to emergency situations? and how not to panic?

I didn’t hit the ladies van, but I totally wipped out, and ended up lying on the sidewalk with my bike underneath me. The lady parked her van and simply started walking into the store like nothing happened, she didn’t even look in my direction. When I confronted her, she said “I don’t understand,what did I do”. When I told her she cut me off and made me eat shit, she offered to buy me a soda. Can you believe that…. a Soda!

Anyhow, thanks for reading my rant, I just had to share this with people who might understand how frustrated I am. I know the clippless pedals give you more power & efficeincy, but what good is that when your dead?