The bleakest scenario imaginable was played out on August 29 and 30 as Democratic leadership blocked key bicycle legislation in the Senate Appropriations Committee:
AB 1358 Complete Streets Act of 2007
AB 534 Bicycle Transportation Account
AB 57 Safe Routes to Transit
URGENT Call Senate Pro Tempore Don Perata at his Capitol office – (916) 651-4009
- Senator Tom Torlakson (Antioch) Senate Appropriations Chairman at his Capitol office – (916) 651-4007
- Senator Carole Migden (SF) at her Capitol office (916) 651-4009.
All three bills had met tremendous support from the State Assembly representatives.
AB 1358 (Leno) Complete Streets Act had a set back last week when Senate Democratic Leadership chose to hold AB 1358 in the Senate Appropriations Committee. Take action now to make sure that leadership understands the importance of complete streets. Let your Senator know why AB 1358 is so important.
- AB 1358 is the key to meeting greenhouse gas reductions priorities
- Planning safe streets and roads is important for children, seniors, pedestrians, and bicyclists.
AB 57 (Soto) Safe Routes to School also needs your help today. The bill would have continued the State’s popular Safe Routes to School construction program at $24.25 million/year – which is what the state has been contributing for the past seven years.
- I’m calling to urge Senator _______ to restore the $24.25 million in funding for AB57, Safe Routes to School.
- Caltrans’ recent 2007 study shows that the State’s Safe Routes to School program is working to increase walking and bicycling and decrease injuries and fatalities. It’s popular, with over five times the requests for each round of funding available.
- The bill author (Soto) and Assembly Transportation Chairman Nava worked with Caltrans to amend the bill before going to the Senate – Caltrans proposed the $24.25 million/year amount (the average of seven years of prior state funding) and the source of the funding through the State Highway Account.
- More than 60 organizations are in support of this bill, and there is no opposition from organizations or government agencies.
- If the state does not approve of AB57, Safe Routes to School funding in California will end – the last known funding for Safe Routes to School (from both federal and state sources) will be out to bid next month. California will set a national precedent in terms of what happens with this bill. Let’s make it a good precedent that supports children’s health.
Information on all bike-related legislation as it apples to East Bay bicyclists is available by clicking “legislation” at left. Please also visit the California Bicycle Coalition.