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The Bike to Work Day Guide is a great opportunity to feature your bicycle-friendly business to tens of thousands of bicyclists in the East Bay and gain exposure for your business in over 50,000 copies of the East Bay Express including 10,000 copies of the pull-out guide distributed directly to riders on Bike to Work Day in goodie bags.

The Bike to Work Day Guide is a great opportunity to feature your bicycle-friendly business to tens of thousands of bicyclists in the East Bay and gain exposure for your business in over 50,000 copies of the East Bay Express including 10,000 copies of the pull-out guide distributed directly to riders on Bike to Work Day in goodie bags.

The Bike to Work Day Guide is an 8-12 page insert in the May 2nd issue of the East Bay Express designed to encourage people to participate in Bike to Work Day 2012. This comprehensive guide gives East Bay Express readers everything they need to
know to enjoy Bike to Work Day on Thursday, May 10, 2012, to take advantage of all the fun activities happening throughout Bike Month and to start commuting by bike on a daily basis.

The Guide includes:

  • A centerfold map of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties listing over 100 “energizer stations” where cyclist can fuel up with coffee, snacks and encouragement on their way to work.
  • A calendar of events for the month of May listing a wide range of activities that appeal to the bicycling community including rides, classes and cultural events.
  • Tips for the new rider on how to prepare for and enjoy their ride to work, school or play.

The Bike to Work Day Guide includes many fun activities planned for Bike to Work Day 2012 and the entire month of
May, starting with Bike to School Days, Bike to the Market Day, Bike Nights at the Movies and the East Bay Bicycle
Coalition’s culminating celebration–the Bike Happy Hour Party in downtown Oakland.

The East Bay Bicycle Coalition promotes the Bike to Work Day Guide through thousands of Bike to Work Day posters
distributed around the East Bay prominently listing the Guide, and communications with thousands of members and followers
through email, Facebook and Twitter. Your advertisement in the Guide helps to offset printing costs for the East Bay Bicycle
Coalition, thereby supporting their work to make Bike to Work Day 2012 a success and to make the East Bay a safe and
enjoyable place to bike every day.

Advertising Deadline:
April 20, 2012
Kavon Kavoussi, Sales Rep, EBX

Ad specs B/W Color
Full Page 10.125”w x 10.82”h $1500 $1700
1/2 Page 4.971”w x 10.82”h $800 $1000
1/4 Page 4.971”w x 5.321”h $450 $650
1/8 Page 2.394”w x 5.321”h $275 $475

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