Bike Walnut Creek Update October 5, 2012

Author: Bike East Bay

Bike Walnut Creek is ramping up and going strong, and needs your help. If you live or work in Central Costa County, get involved. Here is what is going on:

  • We were just notified this week of a special Transportation Commission meeting on Monday, October 8th at 6pm at WC City Hall in the Council Chamber. The only thing on the agenda is ” Walnut Creek Complete Streets Policy – The draft Complete Streets Policy will be presented to the Transportation Commission for their final recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council”. Of course we are pleased the city is adopting a Complete Streets policy, but we feel because of the lack of current complete streets in Walnut Creek, the city needs to adopt stronger language in our Complete Streets Policy. At BWC’s last meeting in September, we drafted a letter to the city explaining why we feel it is important for all city departments to be trained and versed on Complete Streets policy. Please become familiar with WC’s Complete Streets Policy, the draft is here linked here under “Staff Report”: Draft Complete Streets Policy Our letter will be signed by Bike Walnut Creek. However, if there are only 2 or 3 of us at the meeting, the city might think BWC does not have a large backing. Of course this is untrue! We had over 20 volunteers for our Bike Counts, so we know the support is out there. Please, please attend this meeting and bring your friends, family, and anyone interesting in making a Walnut Creek a more pleasant place for bicyclists, pedestrians, children, families, and the disabled. We will all sit together in the first few rows to show our support. We don’t need to say anything or participate or even necessarily listen. Except for the one person reading our letter to the commission – do I have one volunteer?
  • The Bicycle Advisory Committee has its regular meeting on Wednesday, October 10th at 7:30pm in the 3rd floor conference room. Jeremy has asked Bike Walnut Creek to present during the meeting. Kristin will present a summary of Bike Walnut Creek and our Bike Count results. Please attend to show your support of BWC and to learn about the exciting results from our counts.
  • BWC decided at our last meeting that our regularly scheduled meetings would be every second Thursday of the month. Our October 11th meeting is cancelled as to encourage you to attend the other two meetings of the week. Our next regularly scheduled meeting will be Thursday, November 8th. Please put it on your calendar. Our agenda will be setting out our long term goals with milestones (created with the help of EBBC), as well as BWC organization and recruitment.

Thank you everyone for your support! In the short few months that we’ve been active, we’ve made tremendous progress already. We enjoy working with every one of you, and change can only happen with the contributions of us all, no matter how big or small.