Bike Tent at Concord’s Music & Farmer’s Market

Author: Bike East Bay

Complimentary Bicycle Repairs

Todos Santos Plaza

Every Thursday evening through September 11th

5:00 – 8:00 pm

The Bike Tent at the Concord Farmers Market

Some of Concord’s residents are working to make Concord a better city for Bicycling. Under the name of “Bike Concord”, we are promoting bicycles as a fun and easy way to get around Concord. Bike Concord is working with the City of Concord to make the streets safer for everyone.

As part of this effort, Bike Concord member Adam Foster has rented a stall at the Thursday Night Farmers Market in Todos Santos Plaza. The goal of the Bike Tent is to provide minor repairs such as flat repair, chain cleaning/lube etc. for anyone who brings their bicycle to the farmers market. The Bike Tent will serve as a Kiosk for East Bay Bicycling Information. Our Bicycle ambassadors will distribute, maps, lists of local bike shops, pamphlets about bicycle organizations, swag, and information about bicycle events in the Eastbay.

For more information on Concord’s Music and Market Series Venue: