Berkeley Releases Draft Report for BRT Alignment

Author: Bike East Bay

Matt Nichols, Principal Transportation Planner for the City of Berkeley, reports:

The City of Berkeley has just released a major new report entitled “BRT for Berkeley: A Proposal for Consideration”, which presents the staff proposal for a Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for AC Transit’s proposed East Bay Bus Rapid Transit. An enormous amount of staff and consultant work went into the technical analysis summarized in the document. We sincerely hope it will serve as a useful starting point for a robust, fully-informed discussion among community members and their representatives.

The entire report can be downloaded from the city of Berkeley website. The key feature for cyclists in this proposal is the nearly continuous class II bike lanes along Telegraph Ave. — and the traffic-calming benefits of the road diet. There is much more in the report — cyclists are encouraged to study it carefully. The city will conduct a series of public meetings on the Plan:

  • Public Workshop – Saturday, October 17, 2009 10:30am-1:30pm Berkeley Central Public Library (3rd floor community meeting room)
  • Transportation Commission hearing – Thursday, October 29, 2009
  • Planning Commission hearing, Wednesday, November 18, 2009