Berkeley Pedestrian Master Plan Nears Completion

Author: Bike East Bay

City of Berkeley is finalizing environmental clearance of its comprehensive Pedestrian Master Plan. The Transportation Commission is recommending that a dedicated pedestrian fund (similar to the dedicated bike fund) be used to speed implementation. Many of the proposed projects would benefit cyclists too — through traffic calming and intersection improvements. The City will accept comments on the CEQA Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) document until 5 p.m. on February 11, 2010. After that, it will go to Council. The Plan has some interesting map data, including survey of pedestrian counts, and SWITRS accident data: Pedestrian Volumes Collisions per Junction Collisions per Junction, Normalized by Ped Volume This heat map is intended to measure relative risk. Collisions per Junction, Normalized by Vehicle Volume This heap map is also intended to measure relative risk. It shows collisions relative to total vehicle volume.