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Berkeley Approves Moving Forward on Dana Street Bikeway

Author: Bike East Bay

Date: July 7, 2015

On July 14, Berkeley City Council unanimously authorized staff to move forward on designing a two-way bikeway on Dana Street, between Bancroft Way and Dwight Way, closing a gap between the cross-campus bikeway at Cal and the two-way segment of Dana south of Dwight Way. Your emails of support, as well as support from staff at Cal, the Telegraph Business District, and the hard work of the Transportation Working Group of the Berkeley Climate Action Coalition, made this an easy decision for City Council. And a special thanks to Caffe Strada for expressing their support at City Council.

We will work closely with staff at City of Berkeley and UC Berkeley to come up with a good design that works for all ages and experience levels of residents and students bicycling this key north-south bikeway. Please send a thank you note to Councilmember Kriss Worthington for leading the effort.

Councilmember Kriss Worthington smartly separated the Dana bikeway improvement project from a broader set of Southside Area improvements to be studied later. The plan is to work with the neighborhood to create a two-way bikeway on Dana Street to complete a gap in the bikeway network between the cross-campus bikeway at the north end of Dana, and the portion of Dana Street south of Dwight Way, where Dana turns back into a two-way street.

Can you please send a thank you email to:

Councilmember Kriss Worthington
Councilmember Jesse Arreguin, and 
Councilmember Lori Droste

for their support of making the Southside Area a better, more convenient place to bike.

Here is the agenda item for Tuesday July 14: 49.  City Manager Referral: Converting Dana & Ellsworth Street from Dwight to Bancroft to Two Way Streets 

Council Also Blesses Berkeley Strategic Transportation Plan Priorities

Berkeley City Council also approved priority improvements for the Southside Area and Telegraph Avenue in the Berkeley Strategic Plan (BeST). Additional bikeways on Bancroft Way and Telegraph Ave are critical. Here are the top five recommended priority areas for Berkeley going forward:

  1. West Berkeley Area: including Gilman St and the 9th St Bike Boulevard
  2. Southside Area: including Bancroft Way bike lanes
  3. Downtown Berkeley Area: including Milvia St Bike Boulevard
  4. Bike Boulevard Crossings of Busy Streets: all around town
  5. Telegraph Avenue improvements: including bike lanes on Telegraph Ave.

These five priority areas capture many of the priority bikeway improvements needed for Berkeley and for these reasons Bike East Bay is supportive of the initial recommendations from the BeST Plan. 

More info on Berkeley’s BeST Plan

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