2022 Advocacy Year in Review: Protected Bikeway Approvals

Author: Bike East Bay

Date: July 26, 2023

Concept art for Oakland's 14th St Downtown protected bikeway project showing people biking and scootering in concrete and planter protected bike lanes on 14th St at Broadway, along with people in a crosswalk on foot and in a wheelchair

2022 saw more widespread support for high quality, protected bikeways than ever before, with City Council votes of approval for facilities throughout the East Bay. Thank you so much to everyone who spoke up, and for your continued support as we see each of them through to construction.

Alameda: Grand Street

The design includes a 2-way cycletrack on the south side of Grand from Shore Line Dr to Otis Dr, and one-way protected bikeways on each side from Otis to Encinal Ave. The bikeway will be separated by parked cars and posts, rubber curb stops, concrete bus boarding islands, and will connect to the existing concrete protected intersection at Otis. The concept design plan is available to review here.

This project is planned for construction with paving in 2023, after being resurrected from the dead by advocates at Bike Walk Alameda, who managed to bring it back for a re-vote of approval by city council.

Berkeley: Hopkins Street & Southside Projects (Bancroft, Dana, Fulton)

While the planning process for the Hopkins Street project in North Berkeley has been long and contentious, and was saved on multiple occasions by our friends and partners at Walk Bike Berkeley, the construction alongside paving planned for Summer 2023 should be relatively swift.

This project will include a 2-way cycletrack on the south side of the street, protected in spots with either concrete curbs, car parking and posts, or concrete bus boarding islands. Read more about the project design and other details in our earlier post here. An additional effort to extend the project from Gilman to San Pablo Ave is currently underway.

Earlier in 2022, Berkeley City Council also approved a group of protected bikeway upgrades south of the UC Berkeley campus on Bancroft, Dana, and Fulton, along with pedestrianizing Telegraph Avenue near campus. Final funding for this project has now been secured, and we look forward to construction starting in 2023. More details are available at BerkeleySouthsideCompleteStreets.org.

Concord: Pine Hollow Road

In 2022 Concord City Council approved the concept plan for a fully protected bikeway on Pine Hollow Road between Ygnacio Valley Road and the city limits near Atchinson Stage Road. This gives city staff the green light to further the design and pursue funding for what could be the city’s first protected bikeway, connecting five schools within the study area via a curb-protected, 2-way cycletrack for 2 miles.

This is a fantastic project that we will be very happy to help prioritize for funding opportunities. We commend the city staff and consultants who developed the plan, community members who provided input on the plan, and the city council members who approved it.

The Pine Hollow Road concept plan is available to review here.

Oakland: 14th Street

After many years of planning, Oakland is moving forward on construction of 14th Street safety improvements in 2023, creating connections between West Oakland through Downtown to Lake Merritt. Generous outside grants plus local funding will make much needed safety improvements on one of downtown Oakland’s most dangerous streets. Oakland City Council approved this project with a unanimous vote, but tragically a few weeks after a father was killed by a hit-run driver on the corridor.

The project redesigns 14th Street in Downtown Oakland with protected bike lanes in both directions from Brush to Oak, wider sidewalks, bus boarding islands with seating and shelters, storm water and landscaping treatments, more street lights, and Oakland’s first public bike counter to be installed at the corner of 14th Street and Lakeside Dr. The project will also connect to another protected bikeway in the works on Lakeside Dr and Lake Merritt Blvd, extending around the south end of Lake Merritt.

Find more info on the project website here.

Pleasanton: W Las Positas Blvd

Advocates from Bike Pleasanton and a unanimous vote of approval from Pleasanton City Council moved this quick build post-protected bikeway project on West Las Positas Blvd forward, to be delivered with a half-mile paving project planned in 2023 from Hopyard Rd to Hacienda Dr. A follow up, concrete protected bikeway project serving 4 schools and lots of commuters is also still in the works, pending funding availability, spanning the 2.4 miles from Foothill Rd to the Iron Horse Trail.

Review the full quick-build 2023 striping plan here.

San Leandro: Bancroft Ave and Williams Street

Bancroft Ave Cycletrack Concept

Williams Street Cycletrack Concept

Over the past two years we partnered with staff from the City of San Leandro, staff from the consulting firm Fehr & Peers, as well as community advocates and volunteers to lead bike rides, open houses, and an amazing three pop-up bikeways in one day, collecting input on bikeway proposals for Bancroft Ave and Williams Street. The outcome of this work was a proposal for permanent, 2-way protected cycletrack installations on each street, spanning the city from north to south and from east to west, connected by the on-street East Bay Greenway project also in the works. This plan received a unanimous vote of approval from City Council, allowing staff to proceed with securing funding and completing the final design.

Find more information on these San Leandro projects here.

These projects were all made possible via collaborations between Bike East Bay and our local partners with Bike Walk Alameda, Walk Bike Berkeley, Bike Concord, Walk Oakland Bike Oakland, Bike Pleasanton, Bike Walk San Leandro. Find info about each of these groups and others at BikeEastBay.org/CoalitionPartners.

We look forward to ground-breakings and ribbon-cuttings on these projects and many more throughout the new year. Sign up for our bi-weekly email newsletter here for updates and opportunities to bike these new facilities together in celebration!