Your Calls for a Better Alameda Countywide Bicycle Plan Have Paid Off!

Author: Bike East Bay

The Alameda County Transportation Commission has heard our collective calls for a “performance-driven’ bicycle plan with support for more innovative bikeway designs. Over 300 comments were received from EBBC members and people concerned about improved bike safety–an amazing response – and this has given us a much better bike plan. Thank you everyone for contacting the Alameda CTC and letting them know that Alameda County should have a great bicycle plan. Specifically, the Bicycle Plan now includes:

  • 63 Action steps, up from 41 in the draft plan, which cover a wide range of concrete steps the Alameda CTC is going to take in the next 5 years to implement this bicycle plan;
  • 3 new additional performance measures for Safe Routes to Schools, participation in bicycling and walking educational and promotional campaigns, and dedicated funding for bike/ped programs;
  • Support for local cities in testing and implementing innovative bikeways
  • Developing alternative policies for avoiding the unintended consequences of the California Environmental Quality Act;
  • Modifying the traffic forecast models that currently are used to prevent striping of bike lanes;
  • Revising the Congestion Management Program to enhance bicycle safety and access, rather than only moving cars;
  • and many more important initiatives Alameda County needs to become a leader in bikeway designs and implementation