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Yes on Oakland Measure U: Get involved to help

Author: bcomadmin

Date: October 11, 2022

Yes on Oakland Measure U: Get involved to help

Gearing up to pass Measure U on November 8.

Measure U is an Oakland bond measure to address homelessness, create more affordable housing, make your streets safer and invest in parks, youth centers, libraries. It follows on Oakland’s successful Measure KK passed many years ago, which has helped build miles of safer streets in the Town. Measure U manages to raise needed funds by extending current bonds without raising tax rates.

Bike East Bay and Walk Oakland Bike Oakland support Measure U because it has good priorities for street safety improvements with repaving funds, something we have fought hard for over the years. West Street in West Oakland and 11th Avenue in East Lake are two recent safety improvement examples that exemplify what OakDOT can do with sufficient repaving funds. Measure U will keep OakDOT’s repaving budget healthy.

We also strongly support Measure U’s significant funding for affordable housing–critical! For these reasons, we have joined with activists for affordable housing, partner bike and pedestrian groups, fire safety organizers, library boosters, and hundreds of Oaklanders in support of passing Measure U. 

Here is what Measure U will do:

  • Provide housing for individuals and families experiencing homelessness

  • Create housing for working families so that essential workers like grocery store clerks, bus drivers, childcare providers, teachers and others can live in safe, decent housing in Oakland and stay ahead

  • Eliminate potholes and repave streets, improving safety for pedestrians and bicyclists

  • Upgrade libraries, parks, recreation centers and other facilities across Oakland

How you can help:

  1. Request a lawn sign/window sign, we will deliver it. Email to arrange

  2. Volunteer to talk with voters about Measure U

  3. Join Bike East Bay November 4 for a bike light giveaway, days before the election. Sign up to volunteer here.

Measure U will do this equitably—by prioritizing the neighborhoods in Oakland with the most need. Measure U can do all of this by issuing bonds without raising current tax rates. And it requires the City of Oakland to spend funds based on a specific bond program plan (subject to annual independent audits). Check out the plan at

The challenges we face in Oakland are serious—but together we can overcome them. Measure U is a grassroots effort to take our challenges head on: together we can house the homeless, we can create housing for working families, we can fix our streets and roads, and we can provide better libraries, parks and public spaces.

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