We need your help to engage local stakeholders in the San Pablo Ave bike/walk/bus upgrades, as we enter the 2nd phase of our Green Mobility Ambassadors project in West Berkeley.
Training Series
In Fall/Winter 2023 we operated a free training series to help get individuals ready to engage in transportation advocacy in their communities. We refer to participants in this series as Green Mobility Ambassadors (GMAs).
The classes included topics such as public comment trainings, hazard reporting trainings (image below), a mobility and environmental justice training, and more. Over 100 individuals attended these sessions.
If you missed any of these trainings, don’t worry! Another series is kicking off now, with events starting in mid-September. Sign up today:
• Bike Civics: All About Bikeways
Learn about different types of transportation and accessibility facilities, what they do and how they’re used.
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 – 6-7:30 pm Pacific Time – Online via Zoom
Register Here
• Bike Civics: Make Yourself Heard
Information about civic engagement and making effective comments at public meetings.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 – 6-7:30 pm Pacific Time – Online via Zoom
Register Here
Volunteers Needed
Construction on a San Pablo Ave “parallel bikeways” project in Berkeley and Albany is expected to start in Summer 2025, with street crossings and bus stop upgrades also starting Fall 2025, both continuing into Winter 2026.
A larger protected bikeways and bus lanes project from Downtown Oakland to South Berkeley is also estimated to start construction in Spring 2026.
To help keep local business owners informed about the projects and mitigate construction impacts, we are doing door to door outreach on the corridor and developing a community news list.
We will distribute postcards and flyers to collect contact info from business owners along San Pablo Ave, let them know about the corridor project coming up in 2025, and get them on our list for ongoing updates leading up to and during construction.
Add your contact info here to volunteer for Bike East Bay’s street side outreach in West Berkeley, happening now through the end of 2024:
Demonstration Project
In the first half of 2025 we will operate a pop up Slow Street demonstration project on Ninth Street in West Berkeley, ahead of the construction start for the official project. We will install quick-build traffic calming features using temporary materials, to let participants try them out and provide feedback in real time.
Everyone who signs up for our volunteer list above will also receive notifications about opportunities for materials creation, then day-of event implementation for the demonstration project. Thanks in advance and we can’t wait to hear from you!