We Meet With BART to Discuss Bike Access to East Dublin BART

Author: Bike East Bay

Dublin/Pleasanton BART needs better bike access, not just a new parking garage. Thanks to a request by Bike East Bay, BART’s Board gave staff 90 days to come up with a better plan that includes biking and walking improvements as part of a new parking garage project.

We are asking that the plan:
  • Help people cross Dublin Boulevard by building a new bike and pedestrian bridge
  • Extend the Iron Horse Trail to better connect to the station
  • Add a Bike Station with secure parking for 150 bikes
  • Fix Dublin Blvd

What you can do

Sign up for our East Dublin BART Station mailing list to get updates as we get closer to May deadline to complete a revised access project, and let us know what bike improvements are needed

We are working with Transform, Greenbelt Alliance, SPUR, Transport Oakland and others on this effort, and we want to hear from you what projects need to be included in our ask of BART. Bike East Bay is frustrated that a parking-only proposal is not consistent with BART’s new Station Access Policy. Thanks to our request, with much support, BART staff have been given 90 days to revise the proposal and bring it back for consideration with improvements to improve access for all BART customers, including customers who walk and bicycle.

Here’s what we want

  1. Iron Horse Trail Feasibility Study Project: this recently completed study developed a much better design for the Iron Horse Trail on both the Dublin side and the Pleasanton side of the BART Station. Safe walking and bicycling access across Dublin Blvd is included via a new bridge and a more seamless and direct pathway is identified through the BART parking lots connecting across Owens Drive to the south. These improvements should be part of one project, not separate projects with separate goals, approvals and funding, and should be fully evaluated to ensure they implement your policies.Iron Horse Trail Bridge at Dublin Blvd png.png

  2. New Bike Station at East Dublin BART: with capacity for at least 150 bikes

  3. Upgraded Bike Lanes on Dublin Blvd: between Hacienda Drive/Dougherty Road and Fallon Road, Dublin Blvd can be intimidating even though much of it has minimum-width bike lanes. The bikeway on this street needs to be wider, buffered from traffic, and with green paint added. In addition, intersection approaches need to be fixed.

  4. Other improvements? Let us know here

Read Bike East Bay’s Letter to BART Board of February 9