Volunteers Design New Bikeways for Telegraph Ave, 14th St and Park Blvd

Author: Bike East Bay

OAKLAND BIKEWAYS CAMPAIGN: Building a Safe and Connected Network of Comfortable Bikeways for Everyone on Telegraph Ave, 14th St downtown, and Park Blvd.

We have entered phase 2 of the 2013 Oakland Bikeways Campaign, which involves lots of volunteer opportunities: 1) getting to know the businesses, organizations, and neighbors along our three targeted streets and let them know how bicycling is good for business, 2) gathering additional data on parking to support better bikeways on these streets, and 3) assisting City staff as they conduct extensive traffic analysis on what it is going to take to make three streets safe for bicycling.  If you would like to ‘adopt’ a local business on one of these streets and help build their support for a better bikeway, please contact Dave Campbell, EBBC Advocacy Director.

Take a quick survey: Provide us your good ideas for better bikeways with a quick survey:

Check out the survey results here.

For more information on the campaigns for each street:

Bike lanes on these three streets will link the neighborhoods of North Oakland, West Oakland and Central Oakland to Downtown and encourage many more people to trying bicycling. We expect opposition to the removal of travel lanes on these streets and that is why your help is critical. Members like you help us build the necessary support to convince City Council to move forward and make it safe for you to ride into and out of Downtown. The City of Oakland is considering options to provide better bikeways by removing travel lanes and this is our best opportunity yet to make these great streets for bicycling. Thank you for letting us know what you like, what you don’t, and what changes or improvements you would like to see involving bicycling. Bike lanes on these streets will also help the City of Oakland reach its greenhouse gas reduction goals in Oakland’s 2012 Energy and Climate Action Plan

Ideas to Consider for these three streets

  • buffered bike lanes
  • lane reductions to make space for bikeway
  • protected bikeways
  • queue boxes for left turning movements
  • green paint in conflict zones and to highlight start of bike lanes at each block
  • on-street bike parking corrals
  • parklets
  • other awesome ideas?

For more information on these innovative ideas, go to NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide The East Bay Bicycle Coalition and Walk Oakland Bike Oakland are pushing to prioritize the completion of key bikeway segments in the next four years, linking Temescal with Uptown Oakland, East Oakland with Lake Merritt and West Oakland with downtown, and beyond. For 2013, we are focused on bikeways on Telegraph Ave, 14th St and Park Blvd. Your volunteer help is needed to win these campaigns. Oakland has become one of the most popular cities in America for bicycling and the City needs to keep up with this exploding demand for safer bikeways. You and your friends should not have to fight traffic every time you want to bike for your everyday trips.

Timeline for this Campaign

  • February, 2013: gather input on how new bikeways on these streets should look
  • March, 2013: design the new bikeways
  • April, 2013: convince City of Oakland staff to study feasibility of removing travel lanes to make room for your new bikeways
  • Summer, 2013: start outreach to the community to build support for better streets
  • Fall, 2013: intensive campaign to convince City Council to vote to build bikeways on Telegraph Ave, Park Blvd and 14th St
  • 2014: build these new bikeways

Campaign Goals

  • 2013 ↔ 20 miles of new, safe bikeways
  • 2014 ↔ Oakland achieves ‘Gold’ level bicycle-friendly communities recognition from League of American Bicyclists
  • 2015 ↔ Continuous bikeways on five key travel corridors
  • 2020 ↔ Complete all 218 miles of Oakland’s bicycle network

We are excited to announce that Oakland has striped 20 miles of new bikeways in 2012, to go with 18 miles of bikeways completed in 2011. The city has also installed 2 new on-street bike parking corrals-one at the Oakland Museum and one at Beer Revolution. Next year, 2013, we can’t wait for new bike lanes on Broadway, E.12th Street, Tunnel Road, Shattuck Ave, Piedmont, 10th St, and many more. Have you ridden on new bike lanes on 14th St in West Oakland, MacArthur Blvd at Park Blvd, new Bay Trail segment to High St or the new bikeway on San Pablo Avenue? In the queue are bikeways on MacArthur Blvd between Broadway and Telegraph, and the grand opening this Fall of the 12th St Dam Lake Merritt Blvd bikeway. By the end of 2013, you will see new bike lanes on MacArthur Blvd at Mills College, Shattuck Avenue, Broadway above 38th, E.12 St south of 14th Ave, Piedmont Ave, Ardley St, and the intersections of 23rd and 29th Ave’s with I-880. Thank you for your support of all of these projects. Did You Know…

  • Oakland has the 5th highest bicycling rate in the nation. Yet unsafe streets threaten our city’s health, environment, and public safety.
  • Twice as many Oakland residents report having no safe place to exercise around their home than the Alameda County average.
  • Oakland’s childhood obesity rate is 31% – nearly twice the national average of 17%.
  • One-third of Oakland’s greenhouse gas emissions are from local (non-highway) transportation.
  • At its current rate, the City of Oakland will take 50 years to implement the Bicycle Master Plan.

We need a safe, continuous bicycle network to connect our city and help our neighborhoods thrive. How We Get There

  • Prioritize the safest, most direct bike routes throughout the city.
  • Push the city towards innovation and industry best practices in design and construction
  • Prioritize bikeways in neighborhoods with the least access to safe public space
  • Develop a financing plan to address Oakland’s abysmal 80-year repaving cycle.