Volunteer at Pedalfest and New Belgium Clips

Author: Bike East Bay

Calling all rockstar volunteers! We’ve got special beer pouring positions available for Pedalfest (Saturday, July 23) and New Belgium’s Clips Beer and Film Tour (Friday, August 19). Sign up to volunteer at both events and you’ll be invited to an in-depth beer tasting and training session led by New Belgium staff. This session will be a great chance to bond with other all-star volunteers and Bike East Bay staff, plus taste some excellent brews.

As an expert beer pouring volunteer, we’ll ask you to complete an online “TIPS” training that will prepare you to recognize and prevent over-consuption of alcohol by event attendees. The course takes three to four hours. We’ll pay for this training and your certification will be good for three years. You’ll also get one of our awesome Beautiful Machine t-shirts as thanks for your time!

Want to join the volunteer rockstar team? Follow these steps:

  1. Sign up to volunteer at Pedalfest on July 23 in Jack London Square. Select the “Beer Pouring” shift.

  2. Sign up to volunteer at New Belgium Clips on August 19 in Oakland’s Mosswood Park. Again, make sure to select a “TIPS” shift.

  3. We’ll send you a link to complete your online TIPS training. Please complete your training by July 18.

  4. Join us for a fun beer tasting and training on Wednesday, August 10 at 6:30pm at the Bike East Bay office.

Thanks so much for helping out at Pedalfest and Clips! Your support makes our fundraising at these events possible. Any questions? Contact Membership Manager Ginger Jui at Ginger@BikeEastBay.org.