Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood

Author: Bike East Bay

The National Bike Summit lobby day on Capitol Hill, March 11, 2010, began with hundreds of advocates crowded into a large hall at the Rayburn House Office Building to hear inspired support from Representative Jim Oberstar (MN), the “father of Transportation Enhancements.”

At the end of a busy day that kept the pedicabs busy shuttling between the House and Senate, everyone headed to the Dirkson Senate Office Building to hear from Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood. His commitments to “paths” and “recreation” reflect the focus of strictly trail organizations. Nevertheless, our discussions with federal highway and transit staff demonstrated that the administration understands our broader needs–they are working to fully integrate bicycling into transportation spending and policies. The enthusiastic crowd was reassured by Secretary LaHood’s comments about Livable Communities!

The year 2010 promises to be a landmark year for bicyclists nationwide. We anticipate forthcoming passage of a new long-term Transportation Bill that includes the Active Community Transportation Act, Complete Streets, and Safe Routes to Schools. The League of American Bicyclists did a tremendous job organizing the 10th annual Summit, attended by over 700 bicycling supporters, and they deserve your financial support as they help us guide transportation spending to address bicyclist access and safety.