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450 people responded to our Telegraph Avenue bikeway survey this year and the results are clear. People want bike lanes on Telegraph Avenue that are continuous, i.e. don’t stop prior to intersections and restart on the other side, and are separated from traffic. They also like green bike lanes and better pavement conditions.

Would you like to see any of these improvements on Telegraph Ave? pick your top 3

Respondents to our survey also noted that they ride on Telegraph because of all of the great destinations on Telegraph Ave, and because it is a direct route to take to their destination.

What are some of the things you like about riding on Telegraph Ave? Check all that apply

Respondents also noted that Telegraph is an intimidating street for bicycling with lots of traffic and high speeds.

What are some of the things you do not like about riding on Telegraph Ave? Check all that apply

The respondents also have close connections with Telegraph Avenue. These are not people bicycling from Downtown Oakland to Cal. People responding live, work, shop and enjoy restaurants and entertainment on Telegraph Avenue.

What is your connection with Telegraph Avenue? Check all that apply

Read the full Telegraph Avenue Bikeway Survey in this 235 KB pdf

Telegraph Avenue Bikeway Survey Results

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