Support safe bikeways on Hopkins Street, Bancroft Way in Berkeley

Author: Bike East Bay

Hopkins Street

Walk Bike Berkeley is leading the fight for protected bike lanes on Hopkins Street in North Berkeley, and has an action alert that needs your attention. Option 1 adds protected bike lanes to Hopkins and is largely parking neutral, but it opposed by merchants and some residents. Option 2 preserves all car parking rather than adding bike lanes. Option 1 is the only safe option for kids getting to school and neighbors enjoying MLK Jr. Park. Hopkins gets repaved in 2023, so now is the time to design a safe bikeway.

Email Berkeley City Council today supporting Option 1

Southside Projects

Zoom into the Southside Complete Streets Project open house on November 10 and learn more about a project Bike East Bay has worked on for many years, which will improve conditions for people walking, biking, riding transit in Berkeley’s Southside neighborhood along Telegraph Avenue, Bancroft Way, Fulton Street, and Dana Street. RSVP here for the open house. New approved protected bike lanes are coming to Dana Street next year, but final designs for protected bikeways on Bancroft Way and Fulton Street are being worked out. If you can’t make the open house, please take this survey about the project and help us make the Southside area of Berkeley safe for walking and bicycling, and better served by transit.