Super Sharrow Bikeway Coming to 40th Street in Oakland

Author: Bike East Bay

A green carpet of bikeway will be laid down on 40th Street to complete a bikeway from the Emeryville border to MacArthur BART and extending east to Webster St.

More info available on our Super Sharrows page

Oakland is experimenting with this design because other options to install a dedicated bike lane have run into a great deal of opposition. We will continue to push for bike lanes as the permanent solution, but we are encouraged that super sharrows provide a useful upgrade and will lead us on a path to a dedicated bike route to MacArthur BART. 40th Street Super Sharrows will be implemented in two phases, both happening in 2013.

The first phase will consist of conventional white sharrows and signage that says “[Bike Symbol] May Use Full Lane.” The City will measure the effects of these improvements and then will paint a green band, or carpet of greenway over the travel lane, and then measure again the added benefit of green paint. The results will inform the final design of the bikeway on 40th Street.

And more bike lanes coming to Oakland in 2012