Strategic Planning Summit Agenda

Author: Bike East Bay

Day 1: Saturday, January 24


8:00 Registration, Poster sharing, and Breakfast

9:00: Welcome, Purpose, Outcomes, and Agenda

9:15: Introductions

9:45: Telling our Stories  an opportunity to get to know other summit participants, connect with them and begin to build a common database of assumptions, desires, and vision for biking in the East Bay

11:15: Panel – Collaborating, Partnering, and Building a Better Bicycling Reality for the East Bay

  • Jenna Burton, Founder, Red Bike & Green

  • Wilson Tai, Graphic Designer for Rock the Bike, Volunteer Organizer for East Bay Bike Party

  • Binky Brown, Binx Garage, Outreach Coordinator for Cycles of Change, Valet Coordinator for Bike East Bay

  • Chema Hernandez Gil, Community Organizer for San Francisco Bicycle Coalition

12:45: Lunch, catered by Chop Bar and Poster Sharing

1:30: Open Space Break Out Groups: Connecting Challenges and Possibilities – The group will define and explore the topics that are most relevant to summit participants and the future of biking in the East Bay. 

3:30: Present & Enrich Draft Strategy (vote) – rework and rethink Bike East Bay’s five-year Strategic Framework through discussion, debate and hopefully consensus

5:15: Run through of Day 1’s activities, evaluation, and wrap up

5:30: Adjourn

6:00: Optional social outing to Sports Basement, just a couple blocks away from the summit, for free beer and snacks. Great opportunity to decompress, network, and kick off your Saturday Night!

Day 2: Sunday, January 25

Bike Ride starts at 9:00 AM, agenda at 10:30/ 

10:00: Doors open! Snacks, coffee and tea served. 

10:30: Defining Our Community – making the most of the community leaders in the room to increase collaboration opportunities, understanding of the roles each play in the East Bay, and creating connections.

11:45: Official second day welcome and setting in stone of our strategy: Bike East Bay will present the revised final strategy based on feedback and discussions from Day 1. 

12:30: Lunch, catered by Tina Tamale and Panel #2 let by Bike East Bay staff

2:00: System-Wide Action Planning on Goals – based on the final strategy, craft a solid plan of action for each of the goals identified in the strategic framework

4:00: Moving Our Work forward – Bringing action to us, bringing us to action! Offer a final opportunity for small-group break-outs for participants who have commonalities to network, solidfy relationships and discuss potential collaborations.

4:30: Leadership Wrap-Up/Review of Next Steps

4:45: Adjourn and Celebrate!

Thank you for your interest in the Strategic Planning Summit. Register for free at


Bringing Children to the Summit

We want you to be able to bring your family! In order to encourage the participation of families in the future of our organization, Bike East Bay is facilitating coordination between parents in order to help offering a child care cooperative to participants registered for our Strategic Planning Summit in January. Any caregivers attending the Summit may bring their minors along.

For every one hour of volunteer caregiving, caregivers will receive three hours of free childcare during the Summit. We have a child-friendly room at the venue adjacent to the Summit activities, but parts of the Summit will be child-friendly and input from all age groups is encouraged. The details of the childcare co-op will be organized once we know the ages and number of children attending each day of the summit.

To learn more or register your child, please contact Bike East Bay board member Kristin Tennessen at or 415.483.5274. Kristin and her husband Danny often trade-off care of their 1-year old during Bike East Bay’s events and look forward to helping you do the same at our Summit.