San Pablo is not your typical city – with just under 30,000 residents, it is entirely surrounded by Richmond. The bikeway network currently spans most of the major arterials (Rumrill, 23rd, and San Pablo for example), but mainly consists of Class II bike lanes.
Rich City Rides’ Najari Smith on Rumrill Blvd.
In 2015, San Pablo applied for and received a Caltrans Sustainable Communities Grant to study and redesign Rumrill Blvd. The result is an ambitious multi-jurisdictional plan that calls for great, protected bikeways. This is, we hope, the first of many.
Just last week staff kicked-off the process to create a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. As part of the plan creation, public input will be sollicited via a survey and two community workshops.
The survey is currently live and aims to understand the bicycling, walking and driving habits of residents, business and property owners in and around San Pablo.
Want to encourage the city to do more community-oriented planning, and focus on building great bike-friendly streets? We hope you will participate in the Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan Process. Start today by filling out the city’s survey.
Finally, if you would like to do outreach, get involved with Bike East Bay’s work in San Pablo, or help organize a bike ride, please get in touch with Cynthia Armour at or 510 845 7433 ext 5!
More info: San Pablo Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan Website