Safer Paseo Padre Goes Back to Fremont City Council

Author: Bike East Bay

Back in July, Fremont City Council turned down a city staff proposal to improve safety on Paseo Padre Road by reducing travel lanes and adding bike lanes, between Driscoll Road and Washington Blvd. Council is concerned that traffic volumes will soon return to pre-pandemic levels and the road will become congested. We support the original project proposal to redesign Paseo Padre with one thru travel lane and wide, buffered bike lanes. With around 13,000 cars/day, a single lane in each direction is sufficient to keep cars moving, and there certainly is no justification for keeping Paseo Padro Road dangerous today in order to accommodate potential future traffic.

Please email Fremont City Council and let them know you support the safest option for Paseo Padre Road–the original staff proposal for a lane reduction with buffered bike lanes. (emails for specific Councilmembers below). Find and contact your Fremont Councilmember directly here. You can also join the September 14 Fremont City Council Meeting live and make public comment here.

Background and more information in our Bike Fremont newsletter

Fremont Councilmember Contacts: When using the e-mail links below, the subject line and cc fields will auto-populate.

District 1: Teresa Keng: phone: 510-284-4012, 

District 2: Rick Jones: phone: 510-284-4083,

District 3: Jenny Kassan: phone: 510-284-4018,

District 4: Yang Shao: phone: 510-284-4019,

District 5: Raj Salwan: phone: 510-284-4082,

District 6: Teresa Cox: phone: 510-284-4007,

Mayor Lily Mei: phone: 510-284-4011,