Safe Routes to Transit to fund more bikeways this Summer

Author: Bike East Bay

East Bay cities and transit agencies are busy preparing grant applications to the East Bay Bicycle Coalition and Transform for Cycle 4 of the Safe Routes to Transit (SR2T) Program, which funds bikeway improvements to BART, buses, trains and the ferries. We are busy answering calls from many cities looking for advice on which projects to fund. Which BART stations need better bike access? Your call or email to your local bike planner can help influence their choices. Deadline for applications is August 8.

Safe Routes to Transit is a major success of the Bicycle Coaltion, and will award $20 million in grants to facilitate walking and bicycling to regional transit by 2015. The program is funded by Regional Measure 2, and is administered by TransForm and the East Bay Bicycle Coalition. By improving the safety and convenience of biking and walking to regional transit, the Program will give commuters the opportunity to leave their cars at home, and reduce congestion on Bay Area bridges. Learn about the SR2T Program.

To date nearly $12 million has been awarded to over 30 capital and planning projects.

For more information on how your city can apply for funding, contact Dave Campbell, EBBC’s Safe Routes to Transit Coordinator.